Blog Pack

Monday, June 25, 2012

Saturday and Sunday (;

In the past 3 days I have spent 9-11 hours training my dogs. I am preparing for my upcoming trials. And of course enjoying my time with my dogs. It's so much fun training with them and watching them improve. Friday night Dingo, Sassy, Mick and I went to the EOC building with some friends to train Rally and a little bit of Obedience for about 2 hours. We had a really nice time. Our Friday night training group is always so much fun! Early Saturday morning Dingo, Sassy, and I went out to Zach's for 3 hours and trained Agility. The dogs did pretty well. It was such a hot day though! After 3hours me and the dogs were quite tired. Sunday evening we had 4-H. I trained them for about an hour Sunday morning when I got up and then went out to 4-H for about 4-5 hours and trained some more Obedience. I have had such a good week and the dogs are doing quite well! Our big 3 day trial is 2 weeks away! Dingo, Sassy, and I will be participating in Agility, Obedience, and Rally. I hope to be getting more MACH points with Dingo and this is Sassy's first AKC Agility and Rally trial!!! I am super excited.

Pics from 4-H on Sunday (;
Dingo: Yes, he does already know the dumbell. He is showing in Open at the trial in 2weeks. We work on the basics of the dumbell a lot. He enjoys the dumbell so much and he seems to really like just sitting in front of me holding it.

Dingo: yumm yumm...He ate lots of treats on Sunday at 4-H. Considering we trained for over 4 hours!

Dingo: Sitting on a stay. Waiting for me to call him for his drop on recall

Dingo: Drop on Recall

Dingo: Downing on his drop on recall

Dingo: in front position

Dingo: in heel position

Dingo: Retrieving his dumbell

Dingo: Returning his dumbell to me after retrieving it

Dingo: Giving me his dumbell

Dingo: Working on the basics of the dumbell again

Dingo and I: Teaching the other 4-H kids the basic Novice Rally signs

Sassy: Figure 8

Sassy: figure 8

Sassy: figure 8

Dingo: figure 8

Dingo: figure 8

Dingo: figure 8

Dingo: figure 8

Dingo: figure 8

Sassy: on her out of sight sit stay

Dingo: on his out of sight sit stay

Dingo and Sassy: Hanging out in their crates


  1. I love all of these awesome photos!!!
    thank you for commenting & reading my blog it means a ton, I've had your blog open for like a week, meaning to say something.
    fingers crossed for more MACH points ;) always more MACH points!
    hah :)

  2. Beautiful dogs you have! I love a cattle dog with a tail. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

    1. Thanks (: and No problem you have such beautiful pictures on your blog as well
